Today's post is about a true beauty and fashion diva who has disappeared from the limelight. What happened to Lauryn Hill?

This was/is an inspirational girl who took the world by storm with her beautiful voice and lyrical talent. Bust most of all, Lauryn was real. She wasn't religious, she had a RELATIONSHIP with God, and it was obvious.
Why is this post relevant to FaBeauty and to G.O.G.'s, you ask? Well, some may not know that Lauryn was/is a G.O.G. herself.
Although there has been controversy among Believers about Lauryn's status, FaBeauty has seen with our own eyes how amazing and Christ-centered this girl once was. Since we are seeing all sorts of pictures on the Internet of her, and hearing all the "she's gone crazy" rumors in the media, I think it is important for FaBeauty to investigate.
Whether you were a fan of Lauryn Hill's music or not, she has impacted so many people with her music and testimony. On numerous award shows and in Hollywood media occasions, Lauryn wasn't a stranger to standing up and professing her love for God, and that the purpose of her life was to be a servant. She encouraged young men and especially G.O.G.'s to believe that it isn't "uncool" to love and serve God out loud. She declared on stages and in music venues that you can still maintain your individuality and personality and still serve God in your walk.

Take a look at one of her speeches here: at the Essence Awards accepting an award. Truly inspirational.
During her career, she was bold in speaking to rooms filled with celebrities and industry reps about living a God-centered life. She was elevated to a position of power and was able to speak to people of "the world" who wouldn't likely listen to the message in any other way.
We ought to know that there is a world of people out there who are untouched by the word of God because as Christians, we have been placed by them and by ourselves, into a box of religion. The four walls of this constructed box of Christianity has somehow made us unrelatable and irrelevant to main stream living. Lauryn has been one of the few "secular" artists who, through her music, was able to capture the attention of those outside of the Church house.

So what happened? Could fame and pressure have gotten to her spirit? The pictures of her on the Internet look horrible, but we all know that this shouldn't be our number one source, since the media can be biased and vindictive, especially when it comes to the people of God.
Surely, she must be experiencing difficulty in her life, but why do we tend to criticize in these times, instead of praying? G.O.G.'s everywhere should pray for Lauryn and her family that she will overcome the attacks of the media and declare what "thus, saith the Lord" once again. Believers and unbelievers need the beauty of her music and the light she once let shine so brightly on stage.

We love you here at FaBeauty Lauryn, and we're praying for you, our fellow G.O.G.
Where is L-Boogie!!!I WISH there was a way for Luaryn Hill to read this!!! She's a real TRUE Beauty! Unfortunately many G.O.G.s get and will become sidetracked by different things...but there is power in prayer and it's a VERY mendable relationship.:~)