As you all know, FaBeauty likes to showcase celebrity Girls of God (G.O.G.'s) who aren't ashamed of their faith and who also happen to have smokin' style! This week we have a special RECENT G.O.G. who gave her life to Christ: Nicole Ari Parker!

Most known for her super-successful acting career in shows like Soul Food and movies like Brown Sugar, Mrs. Parker-Kodjoe is a household name in Black Hollywood. FaBeauty is so happy for Nicole Ari Parker and her family recently deciding to serve God; and even though she hasn't always modeled G.O.G. style, FaBeauty welcomes her with open arms :) I remember being very inspired watching her and husband Boris Kodjoe on TBN's popular show 'Praise the Lord' and hearing her story. While she has been known previously for her sexy image, Nicole has recently been sporting some G.O.G. styles that we admire. Let's take a look at why we love the new Nicole and her most recent style:
In addition to the fact that she is stinking gorgeous :), she manages to keep her fashion modern yet, eclectic and fun wearing this chocolate, leather bomber jacket, brown cow boy boots, and a funky tee while carrying a gold clutch:

Nicole loves to experiment with her look, often changing hair styles from edgy cuts, to soft waves. Regardeless of what she does to her hair, she always seems to look FABULOUS:

The Kodjoe Family

Nicole and husband Boris like to keep their life down-to-earth. It's very rare that you see these two in Hollywood scandals or in paparazzi pics stumbling in and out of night spots:

The Kodjoe Family

With beautiful green eyes, Nicole loves wearing vibrant colors (which we looove at FaBeauty) to compliment her famous peepers:

Nicole can serve as a reminder that we are all far from perfect, yet a much greater life can come through surrendering to Jesus Christ and his plan for your life. She is an overall FaBeautie, and we love her for choosing to stand for something greater than external beauty. Welcome to the G.O.G. family, yay!

Watch her testimony here on TBN. Go to the Tuesday January 27, 2009 show. I hope all you G.O.G.'s out there will be INSPIRED by Nicole's story!
well aren't they pulchritudinous