Scarves and Clutches: Forever21.com

Steve Madden
Steve Madden

Numero Deux: A Great lipgloss, chapstick, or balm to keep those pouts moisturized.
What is a look without the essential basics? What's more...have you G.O.G.'s ever tried searching for the perfect lipgloss like I have? One that isn't sticky like wood glue, doesn't leave you looking like you just finished off a box of Kentucky Fried Chicken, and the most dreadful of them ALL, doesn't leave the white line on the bottom lip? I feel your pain :( I'm here to save your day! Your search is over, because all of these have been tested and proven true by yours truly :)
Some of my Absolute Fav's:
For a light, tingly, medicated fix with a little shine try:Blistex Daily Condition Treatment. $1.99 Yumminess in a dab.
For a tasty moisturizing treat for your lips, with some extra shine try this WONDERFUL Creation by man!

Numero Quatre: A Fab Nail Color.

Chanel Nail Color in Blue Satin

Sally Henson Color in Nude
Sally Henson, Clear.
And Last, but perhaphs the most important of them all:
Numero Cinq: A Conversation Piece
Every true G.O.G., I repeat EVERY Girl of God absolutely needs an accesory which clearly represents your belief in Jesus Christ. It completes your wardrobe! And NO, I am not talking about the 'I Love Jesus' T-shirts or the tee-shirts that cleverly read 'Abreadcrumb & Fish', instead of Abercrombie and Fitch. (*Holding back laughter*:-)! As, well...cute as those may be at times, hehe, I was referring to something a little more subtle.
Whether this accessory is a cute necklace bearing a representation of the cross that Jesus died on, a charm bracelet with a bunch of different symbols, a cool and funky pin for your purse or outerwear, or even a phone gem or trinket. A conversation piece is essential because it opens up doors and can create opportunties to share the love of God with someone else.
Trust me, it has happened quite a few times with a faith bracelet I used to wear often and even a cross gem I had attached my phone. Innocently wearing them, overtime I realized that those small things acted as conversation starters and opened-up convo's with people about my faith and why I believe the things I believe. Never thought about it? Well, try it and see!
It is so important that as a G.O.G., you do not dress to impress, but rather DRESS to EXPRESS. Dress to express your INDIVIDUALITY, your CONFIDENCE, your FAITH. It's when we begin dressing to impress that we loose our purpose as G.O.G.'s.
So remember, everyday, try to incorporate at least one conversation piece in your outfit, and pray that God will use it in your daily interactions with others. Who say's faith can't be fashionable! :)
Try these cool Convo Pieces:

Charm Bracelets

Cell Phone Charms
Like What you see, you can cop this items at Forever21.com, picklesaccessories.com, dazzlingsparkle.com, inspirationaljewelry.net and http://www.crystal-fox.com/
With each one of these items you can't go wrong. There you have it G.O.G.'s!
Peace, Love and Ice Cream :p
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