Hey-Hey G.O.G.'s,
So, look, does it really matter what your attitude is like if you're outfit is on point? Are you sure that people actually care these days about someone turning the other cheek? Psshh...That seems to be cultural protocol for back in Jesus's days and that has nothing to do with us in 2011...right?
Some would immediately scoff at the obviousness of the answer to such a question by responding with a quick, "Of course your attitude matters, regardless of what you look like!" Well, you'd be surprised at the conclusions of others.

(We Love Naomi, thankfully she isn't throwing cell phones much anymore...we think. That was definitely not a good look :-/ )
In style and beauty today, the emphasis is of course, placed on how you look, an not so much on your attitude. But G.I.F.T. is here to remind you beautiful stylistas, that the most beautiful ensemble is no replacement for a beautiful soul.
The problem is, it's difficult to keep a positive attitude when other people's attitudes smell like....well...you know what :-) When Jesus advised his disciples to turn the other cheek if an enemy should strike them, however, he did not say "Only if you feel up to it Peter, John..." Jesus' directions to those who truly loved him was not a conditional sentence, nor was it contingent upon the attitude of any other person.
(What NOT to Do!!) :-)
At our jobs, at home within our families, among total strangers, we are to be beams of light that lead others to the cross. Not everyday will someone feel like being the beam of light, though, in fact you might even feel like beaming out reality just you don't have to deal with folks! However, our calling is greater than just looking the part. We actually have to be the part.
G.I.F.T. encourages you as you get dressed in the morning to consider your fabulous outfit and how you will use it to the glory of God, but also consider the attitude you will attach to your look. It matters more how we treat others and respond to thorny situations, than how well we put items of clothing and accessories together.
Remember: there is no outfit bangin' enough that will cover up a poor attitude. Learn to turn the other cheek. Love is Power.
Your Biggest Fan,
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