Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Identity...No Destiny

Hey G.O.G.'s!

Have you ever asked yourself, outside of your physical appearance, your credentials, your goals and objectives, your education... who am I anyway?

Well, you are not alone.

Unfortunately, in todays culture, there is a lot of confusion. Things can become very blurry to one who is not steady in their knowledge of self through Christ-Jesus. This is why many of us, as the Bible tells us, are "tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching" (Epesians 4:14). The Word also reminds us about the dangers of double-mindedness in James 1:8 telling us that we should believe what God tells us, and this includes when he telld us about who WE are. If  we don't, this scripture says we will be double-minded and unstable in all of our ways.

A wise person once said, If you have no identity, or a false identity, you will not be able to obtain the destiny and purpose God had set out before you. Please believe... your destiny knows who you are, and cannot be fooled by impersonators! But the question is, do YOU know 'who' your destiny is looking for?

Here are some things that "Toss" us back and forth:

Questions we ask ourselves like...

"Would me wearing this take away from who I am?"

"Does being a Christian mean I can't look like this or listen/watch this stuff?"

"Will people judge me if I attend this event?"

"Am I too quiet, and does this mean I am ashamed of the Gospel because I don't preach to people?"

"Am I too loud? Does this mean I am missing the gentleness and meekness of Christ? Maybe I should just sit in the corner."

"Am I good enough, do I have it all together enough to say I follow Christ?"

"I dont even believe in this modern religion stuff, but I do believe in Jesus, so should I even expect anything from God in my life?"

 These are questions we consider almost everyday, and these issues present themselves over and over again so long as we are living in an interactive society with other people.

First of all:  Recognize the difference between Religion and Jesus, because there is one.

THERE IS FREEDOM IN CHRIST JESUS. The bible tells us many times that God is not as concerned with how you look, as much as He is concerned about who you ARE. Take a lesson from the woman at the well, the prostitute named Rahab, and the list goes on...

So, what does this mean? Be more concerned about who you are on the inside and other people will learn about you eventually!  Usually, what is in your heart and mind will reflect on the outside anyway. Okay, so how do we know this?

Well, the Bible says "As a man thinks in his mind, so is he." It also reminds us that "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." In otherwords, who you are on the inside will surely be reflected on the outside, whether you like it or not!

So, please DO NOT get caught up in what others will say about you, how they think you should dress or how you should wear your hair. All that stuff, I've found to be more of a distraction from the reality that is God, rather than something that will bring us closer to Him. Instead of focusing on the goodness of God and His awesome plans for us, we end up focusing on people's opinions, doctrine and dogma! SMH....

Here are some questions we should be asking oursleves...

"Where is my heart? Is it in this job, in my money, in a relationship, or...Is it in Christ Jesus?"

"What are my motives in living my life? Is it to be a faithful servant to God and others? Or, is it to make money, live well, and die?"

"Who am I dressing for?"

And..."Why am I bothered by what people think of me?"

Knowledge of your REAL self and who you were CREATED to be is a process that can only be done through spending quality time in prayer, worship, fasting with God. Really, He knows us more than we know ourselves Why? Because... ummm, well...He created us?! Who best to learn from about the features and abilities of the new car, than from the manufacturer himself?

As G.O.G's, this is who God says we are:

1. You are His Child, yep, just like you are your Momma's or Daddy's Child! (John 1:12)

2. You are Royalty.... Period. (Galatians 4:7)

3. You are an enemy to evil people and forces. In other words, be prepared, because Haters will hate on you just for being who you are. (1Peter 5:8)

4. You are the Salt and Light of the Earth. In other words, you make things interesting. You keep this Earth going. As a light carrier, without you, there is darkness. Now, that is pretty important!

5. You are chosen by God to be successful, to be an Earth-changer, and legislator. You were created to and are supposed to set the trends! (John 15:16).

Please don't believe the hype we see on television and in society today. Some of the people we are watching don't even have an idea as to who they are.

So why are we following the trends instead of setting them? You're destiny is looking for you, don't let it pass you by thinking you were someone else!

As always, Stay fabulous!!


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