Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Dark Side of Fashion: It Isn't All Just About Clothes

Hey G.O.G.'s,

We, here at G.I.F.T. believe fashion and style is a great tool for self-expression and creativity. Clothes and personal styling, whether we recoginze it or not, has some sort of "power" over one's perception and because of this illusive "power", those who care tend to take notice of this strange, yet interesting component of life here on Earth.

But...Alas, just as with most other things we face in this earth as believers in Jesus Christ, there is a dark side which threatens us when it comes to the area of fashion and style.

You see...modern fashion, as we know it today, is not just a multi-billion dollar industry which produces clothing, magazines and beauty products. If you research it enough, you will find that fashion is a lifestyle.

Yes, the "real" fashionistas eat, breathe, sleep and drink this stuff, and they'll tell you too. They jet-set across the world to locations to attend shows and to study its evolution, they drink extra-low fat, no-carb, low-cal lattes in lieu of daily meals to keep that lanky, thin-looking physique which will cater nicely to next season's hottest ensemble. Yes, fashion to many people, is a life style. And an expensive one, at that.   

Try thinking about the focus of your life being the human physique, billboards, designers, money (and lots of it, too!), lights, parties, runways and ever-changing trends. To some of you, that sounds like a dream come true! But, when this is what your life consists of in its entirety, life takes on a different, earth-centric and carnal meaning. Whenever our lives consist solely of these things which are carnal in nature, things start to go wrong. The word of God tells us: "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." We need a balance. And how do we create this "balance"?  

By letting God be at the center of it all.

Okay, so what does this mean?

Well, it means that just as with all other things when taken out of a Godly context (i.e. when pleasing God is not the central focus), the balance of things is destroyed. Fashion, my fashionable fashionistas is no different :-(  Let's look at what happens when we look at fashion, in particular, without God being at the center of it all:





But, there's good news! The good news is: as Girls of God (G.O.G.'s), we are the salt and light of the EARTH; not just of the Church, but of the EARTH! So what does this mean? We should strive to use ALL things for the glory of Christ including all of our interests, such as fashion. Bringing light into dark places, being ambassdors for Christ in every place we go is our speciality and how we will make the most impact with our lives.

So then,  if you're a Christian, and you love God, and you also have an interest in fashion, do not be discouraged! You are different, but you different for a reason. Let your light shine, and bring glory to God through the gifts and interests he has placed inside of you. Shed light into the darkness, and be an awesome witness to the goodness and freedom that is within Christ Jesus.

At the end of the day there is no "look" more gorgeous than the earnest and humble testimony of a child of the Most High God. No one else can wear your shoes, so wear it well, and change the world.

Your Biggest Fan,


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