Hey Fabulous Ones,
I found something that was hilarious and I thought I would share it with you fellow G.O.G.'s. It is from a popular blog "Stuff Christians Like." I found this post entitled "Stuff Christians Say" to be so funny and ironically, sooo true and I thought I would pass the laughter along :-D
So here it goes...stuff we Christians say and do all the time. These have become apart of the church's popular culture and vernacular, some of which are far over-used, poorly used, and well...just plain silly!
Enjoy the list!
Stuff Christians Like:
1.#528. Calling someone "anointed."
This is perhaps the highest compliment you can pay someone in the world of Christianity. It’s the polar opposite of saying, “God bless her,” which is just a nice way to cover your tracks after you’ve verbally annihilated someone behind their back. The word anointed is designed to indicate that the oil of God, the “major mojo,” if you’ll allow me to get theological with you for a minute, has been poured all over someone. They are blessed. They are getting the pure, unadulterated God fire hose.
Unfortunately, although we can all agree on what it generally means, there’s no chart or checklist that allows us to reach consensus on whether a person is actually worthy of the label “anointed.” I’m sure different denominations approach it in different ways and that we could squabble for centuries about an official process to figure out who is anointed.
Or we could use the Stuff Christians Like Anointed Algorithm.It’s pretty simple, really. Here it is:“A person’s potential to be considered ‘anointed’ is directly related to your desire to dislike them and your inability to fulfill that desire.”
2. #511. Feeling slightly guilty for telling people "good luck!"
"Good luck with the 10K this weekend!"
Well, I mean, I don't personally believe in luck, but you might. I believe that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. But how am I supposed to say that to you, my colleague from work, in the break room?
"I hope God works all things for the good of those who love him this weekend at your 10K race!"
That's a mouthful, but seriously, I probably shouldn't be saying "good luck." Some Christians don't even say "Pot Lucks." They call them "Pot Blessings" which kind of sounds like the headline from an issue of the marijuana magazine "High Times" but I'm only digging myself into a deeper hole of awkwardness at this point.
Would it be weird if I told you "Have a blessed 10K?" Does that make me sound like I’m the kind of person that would throw holy water on you during the race or hand you communion wine at one of those drink stands along the course instead of Gatorade? And do I have to over pronounce the "ed" at the end of that word like some people do? Do I say “blessed” like I would say “messed” or do I need to pronounce it "bless-ed." I always feel like some random guy named Ed is getting hooked up when people do that.
This is getting so complicated. From here on out, I'm dropping luck, I'm dropping bless-ed and am just going to say "Yay running!" and throw both hands into the air with spirit fingers.
3. #494. Sin Synonyms – Pretty ways to say an ugly word
I am afraid you will think I am a weird Christian.
Word choice.There are several words that I am subconsciously softening in order to not sound like a sweaty, weird Christian. I wrote a post once about how we love to say "the enemy" instead of "satan." And as popular as that word switch is, I recently stumbled on one I do even more often than saying “the enemy.” I’m talking about the word “sin."
Is sin just not a topic I cover? Not at all. I deal with it all the time and honestly share what's going on in my own life. I just use synonyms because I think that if I say “sin” some folks will label me a traditional fundamentalist super Christian Bible belter.Here are the words I use instead:junk, struggles, failures, mistakes, baggage, issues, hang ups, problems, challenges...
I don't think it's a big deal to use synonyms. I think God gives us a wide, colorful vocabulary to express our gratitude and that as communicators we have to constantly be conscious of the way we reach people. But if I'm using my words to look better than I really am or trying to be someone I'm really not, that's not cool. That's junk or baggage or maybe even sin.
4. Saying "bless her heart."
BHHS, “bless her heart syndrome,” is when you verbally slam, gossip or attack someone else and then try to save face by throwing in a comment like “bless her heart.” In the south I’ve heard it called “giving someone a piece of vinegar pie.”
The fake kindness in comments like that is easy to point out, but the reality is that sometimes other Christians are better at disguising it. Sometimes people, including me, will be a little more subtle at executing Bless Her Heart Syndrome. Here are four other variations you need to watch out for:
- “I don’t mean to be ugly”
Sure you do and you know you’re about to be ugly or else you wouldn’t have thrown out that disclaimer at the start of the sentence.
- “In Christian Love”
Most of the time people do the BHHS behind your back. But sometimes, they’ll drop some BHHS right in your lap. For instance, if anyone says, “I hope you can receive this in Christian love,” get ready to be hated on. Seriously, no one ever says, “I hope you can receive this in Christian love, but you’re doing a really good job leading that ministry” or “I find the dresses you wear to church to be both appropriate and awesome.” It’s usually an insult thinly veiled as advice or love. Not always, but usually.
- “God laid this on my heart”
Oh snap, you just threw God under the bus. (I find myself saying “Oh snap” a lot lately, perhaps as a tribute to Biz Markie?) You just prefaced something mean you’re about to say about somebody by blaming it on God. And although I do think that sometimes God gives us messages for other people, I have a hard time believing He ever asks us to gossip about other people, “I need you to be a jerk for me. I need you to be my rod of punkitude. I need you to be my vessel of gossip.”
5. Disguising gossip as prayer.
We’ve all either heard somebody do this or done this ourselves. In the middle of a prayer circle, someone will raise their hand with a prayer request and then proceed to gossip about somebody else. Usually it sounds like this:
“I want to lift my friends Charlie and Sandra up. Sandra caught Charlie looking at pornography online and he yelled at her for running up all their credit cards. And you know their son got kicked out of school for getting drunk and doing the African Anteater Dance from the movie ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’ at the homecoming dance. So I really just want to pray for them.”
It’s completely bogus and I’m sure that when God hears stuff like that He wants to throw a lightning bolt down at us, and not just a regular one, some sort of super lightning bolt coated with tigers and switchblades.
6. #405. Saying, "The Bible" when asked what your favorite book is.
I should say "Bible" when someone asks me what my favorite book is. That's what you're supposed to say if you're a Christian. But everyone knows that, what about the harder questions? What do you say when people ask you the desert island question or the "who would you have dinner with" question? What then? How do you navigate that conversation? I suggest the following answers:
1. What are your two favorite books?
"The Old Testament and the New Testament."
2. Right, but what about other books?
"CS Lewis." (Regardless of if you have ever read any, just name drop Lewis. Works like a charm.)
3. OK, how about fiction?
"Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings. This Present Darkness is pretty good too."
4. What about favorite movie?"That's a tie between the Passion of the Christ, Facing the Giants and Braveheart. The TBS edited version of course."
5. What would you take with you on a desert island?"The Bible and CS Lewis."
6. He's dead though.
"Not on this island he isn't."
7. Fine, then what three people living or dead would you go out to dinner with? And don't say Jesus, you're going to spend eternity with him, surely you can go get baby back ribs with someone else.
"That's a tough one. How about Moses, Paul and Zack Morris."
8. Zack Morris isn't real. That's just a character played by Mark Paul-Gosselaar on the show Saved by the Bell.
7. #291. Saying "I was just flipping channels" when you watch something you shouldn't.
This is one of my favorite things ever. I like to call it the "Christian disclaimer." Have you ever heard one of these? Have you ever said one of these?
I have.It's not just restricted to television though. I use it most often when it comes to music. I have confessed several, several times that I like rap. And sometimes I listen to songs on the radio that I just don't think good Christians should listen to. For instance, there's a song out right now that Kanye West does a cameo on and it's pretty vulgar. So if I was going to tell my Bible study guys about it, I might say something like:
"The other day I was quickly flipping through the radio when I heard a snippet of a song by Kanye West. It was pretty wild."
Hahahaaaaha!! Funny right?? And sadly...true. :D
Hope you laughed as much as I did!
More FaBeauty fashion break-down's and tips to come! Stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Should We or Shouldn't We: Music Makes you Loose Control?!
Happy summer! We mean...spring :-) I know you must be taking advantage of this beautiful weather with spring and summer dresses, open-toe sandals and summer music blasting in your car!
Speaking of music, this brings us to our Should we or Shouldn't We topic for this week! FaBeauty's question to all Girls of God is: Do you think G.O.G.'s should listen to music that does not explicitly express faith, or the Jesus Christ in its lyrics?

There has been much debate about the music choices of our generation today. Some believe that with the obvious power that music contains, it is important that as G.O.G.'s we do not expose ourselves to the persuasion, feelings or inclinations that certain types of music can produce. On the opposite end, others feel that music is just an expression of life and a meaningless pastime that has little ability to negatively impact believers of God.

Do you listen to all kinds of music, or only to specific genres or artists?
We would like YOU to weigh in on this controversial topic in the 'comments' section below!
In Him Always,
Monday, April 20, 2009
What's In: The Easy Breezy
Hey G.O.G.'s!!
Staying cool in this adorable peasant cut-out Catherine Maladrino white summer dress.
Relaxing in this white embellished cotton dress while out shopping.
Cameron Diaz staying cool in a white, quarter-sleeve summer dress. White is indeed hot!

New mother, Halle Berry looking unfussy, yet fabulous in this brightly printed T-Bags tunic. Perfectly suited for running errands in the most stylish way possible! And guess what? You can get this dress! Get your own T-Bags dress like Halle’s, reduced from $215 to $150 at activeendeavors.com. Or get a similar style at wetseal.com for only $25.
Lauren Conrad in a multi-colored tye-dye maxi dress. She looks so comfortable doesn't she?
Audrina Patridge in a Zoe Maxi Dress.
First Lady of France Carla Bruni Sarkozy in a business cazh look. Great for work and, still fabulous.
You can get this look with just two pieces:

Happy Spring Everyone!
Are you a laid back and relaxed G.O.G.? Not into the sparkle and the glam too much? Well, the hottest style we see making a mark is the laid-back, chic and relaxed look for the Summer!
For FaBeauty, fashion is a ministry, and we want to set a positive example for Christian girls out there this summer. Here are some not only appropriate, but FABULOUS looks that will inspire you to 'Chill Out' this summer!
Check out how the celebs stay fresh and fabulous in these Easy, Breezy looks!
White Hot! : Halle Berry Loves White!

Eva Longoria Parker keepin' it cazh in a simple white button-up and stone-washed flared jeans.
OKAY, so u wanna see some other cazh styles besides the color of the season, white? Check out these looks?
OKAY, so u wanna see some other cazh styles besides the color of the season, white? Check out these looks?

Do you admire most of these celebrity laid-back looks for the summer?

1) A comfy summer dress like these below:

2) A strong pair of flats (to withstand the summer walking and traveling), or gladiator sandals. Both should be comfortable and versatile like these:

Happy Spring Everyone!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hot Transition Pieces for G.O.G.'s Moving Up!
Salut FaBeauties!
Expedition Blazer 39.99 Chadwicks.com
Grey Ruffle Blazer Chadwicks.com $39.99

Stella McCartney Creme Blazer stellamccartney.com

Spiegel Wide Leg Trouser $29

Arden B Black Wide-leg Pant $38

Cole Haan Pumps $179
Franco Sarto Owen $64.95

Easy Spirit Kitten Heel Pump $24.00
Transitional Piece must-have # 4: A functional work bag!
NY & Co. $24.46

NY & Co. $36.95

LONGCHAMP Nylong Tote $98

Francesco Biasia $189.99

As the end of the school year approaches, a lot of divas will be moving off campus into the office, or professional environments! Congrats to all the G.O.G.'s who are in transition mode, what an exciting time! With that said, we will of course need some chic pieces that can take us through this huge transition!
Looking for some cute styles that you can wear now, but will also be apropos to wear on interviews or to that new job this summer or fall? Well, take a looky at these transitional pieces for every budget!
Transitional Piece must-have # 1: A hot blazer!
Blazers are such a huge trend this season to wear casually for an evening out on the town or in the office. You can do so much with these sophisticated pieces. Try these on for size:
3 button blazer Charlotte Russe $38

Stella McCartney Creme Blazer stellamccartney.com

Transitional Piece must-have # 2: A nice pair of slacks!
Now, gone are the days when we had to stick with the standard black trouser. Now-a-days slacks come in all kinds of cool and different patterns and fabrics. Every transitioning G.O.G. should own a good pair of slacks! Check these out:
Spiegel Wide Leg Trouser $29

Arden B Black Wide-leg Pant $38

Armade Blue Trouser ColdwaterCreek.com

Transitional Piece must-have # 3: Comfortable heels!
Okay, so, we know some of you aren't into heels that much! But just follow First Lady Michelle Obama with her signature kitten heels. These munchkin heels will keep you from tipping over, while still giving you a put-together, professional look. Every G.O.G. should own AT LEAST one pair of shoes that lift off of the ground! :-] Comfort is key, ladies! Make sure you shop for quality, comfort brands that you will be able to walk up and down office stairs with, run to catch a cab or train or stand for a long presentation! Take a look at these comfortable, yet cute heels:
Cole Haan Pumps $179

Cole Haan Mary Jane Pump $169

So, those of us leaving school, and those of us who are going back to school know exactly why this piece is a must-have for a girl in transition. Roomy bag provide space for all your office work, and your personal stuff too. Totally convenient, a functional bag can take you from work to play, without forgetting anything at home. Take a look at these functional work bags:
NY & Co. $24.46

NY & Co. $36.95

LONGCHAMP Nylong Tote $98

Francesco Biasia $189.99

Transitional Piece must-have # 5: Your conversation piece!

Now, FaBeauty has made a post on this before, so we all know the importance of the hottest piece in our wardrobe. If you missed it check it out here http://fa-beauty.blogspot.com/2009/03/five-must-haves-for-gog.html . A conversational piece will share your faith with those around you in a welcoming and subtle way. It could lead to meaningful conversations about your faith in Jesus Christ. Don't leave home without it!! Check these out again:

Hope you like what you see! In this transitioning season of our lives, know that God is always in control. You are bound for greatness!
Stay Fabulous!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Ask and It Shall be Answered Segment 1: FASHION...Too Worldly for the Church?
FaBeauty's "Ask and It Shall be Answered" segments feature interviews with real people, sharing how they feel about controversial topics that pertain to Girls of God.
FaBeauty sits down with our guest, a 22 year old interior designer and fabulous G.O.G. for some real talk. Lita is a graduate of The New England Institute of Art, where she majored in Interior Design. She is currently working on expanding her portfolio to work for a commercial firm which will lead to her own residential interior designing firm.
This Segment's Controversial Topic: Fashion...Is it too worldly for the church?

Let's get into some real questions, with real answers!
FaBeauty: Hey Lita, thanks for sitting down with us.
Lita: No Problem, I'm thankful I can contribute to this, and I think it's fun! (Laughs)
Fabeauty: Okay, to start this off let me ask you, do you think Christian girls and women should be concerned with their physical appearance?
Lita: Well, I personally do. For myself, when I go out I know I like to look my best. I mean, I feel that we are representing God. We're supposed to take care of ourselves, our appearance. I know that God looks at the heart, but He doesn't want us looking any ol' way (laughs). I know I like to get my hair done, my nails done and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. You're not supposed to focus on it solely, but I believe that since we're representing someone amazing, royal, our Father, Yes! We should try to look classy and put together because we are representing Him.
FaBeauty: Cool, we hear you.
Now, as a Christian Girl, do you use your style, your clothing to show or express anything in particular about yourself?
Lita: As a Christian girl, do I think my clothes represent me well? Or do I wear clothes to share things about myself, is that the question?
FaBeauty: Yep. Do you use your style for a purpose?
Lita: I feel like, everyday is different, I change my look a lot. But I find that with the career I want to be in that I am more into the conservative look. I kinda find myself loving business suits a lot, you know, the skirts with the vests, and you know you have the hair with the curls; and I into the fancy glasses. I'm into all of that. I love jewelry too. So, yea, I feel like I want people to look at me and say "I can respect this person, she carries herself well." You know, I want a look that says "she's classy!" That's what I use my clothes to project about myself, you know, I want to be professional.
FaBeauty: Great, who doesn't aspire for that look?! FaBeauty feels that even if you're not into the conservative, business, Tracy Ellis Ross-from-the show-Girlfriends look, that a G.O.G. should always want to look like a woman to be respected.
So, Lita, when do you feel most confident and is there anything that you personally struggle with or have challenges with when it comes to your faith and your physical appearance?
Lita: Well, for me, I feel most confident when I'm dressed professionally. You know, when I have my glasses and my heels on, and a little make-up. When my hair is done and my nails. It's like, when I walk in heels I feel like I own a business! (Laughs) I feel taller, something about heels really boosts my confidence! But that's just me, and my personality. I feel most confident when I'm dressed like a professional girl.
But I do have to say that I struggle with figuring out what is appropriate to wear in public sometimes. Once, at a girls night out get-together, I wore a black dress with black stockings and I was kind of uncomfortable because I was thinking throughout the night, is this too short? Is this Christ-like? I was worried about what the other Christians would think about me! I had my boots on... I was thinking, is this worldly? I was actually just coming back from Boston, and you know I wasn't trying to fit in with the Boston scene, or whatever, I just like that look. Do you know what I mean?
FaBeauty: Right, of course.
Lita: I'm into the long trench coats, and the skirts, I just like that look. But, I mean, I was wondering should I be showing my knees in this dress! (Laughs), you know...I struggle with that. And I was thinking, is this supposed to be a shirt with pants, or a dress? You know...I think about all these things. In the summer time, I think what is showing too much? When it gets hot, I like to wear spaghetti straps but it gets uncomfortable sometimes, especially at fellowship gatherings. You know, I think my back is out, my arms are out. Is this okay? I think about all these things, and I haven't found the answer yet?! (Laughs).
FaBeauty: Girl, you are definitely not alone!
Okay, so when we talk about fashion and clothes and external beauty, the Church can sometimes look at it as a "worldly" issue to be kept separate from spiritual matters. You know, they kind of say, well, all that matters is internal beauty and it's almost as if addressing issues pertaining to outward appearance is shallow and not Christ-like?
Do you agree with this perspective?
Lita: Wow. Well, I don't think it's worldly. It becomes that when you are only focused on your looks, instead of being focused primarily on God. The scripture does talk about not worrying about your clothes, and your life and all of that, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't want us to take care of ourselves. I mean, there are so many different styles out there and for some clothes, you know if you put em' on, your going to end up showing some type of body part! (Laughs). But, making an effort to put your best foot forward is not sin. I don't care if you only have one dress and one pair of shoes, wear it to the glory of God. You know, the Bible says that our bodies are the temples of Christ, so we are a representation of Him. We are rich, we are blessed and we are giving glory to God when we take these matters into concern!
FaBeauty: So do you think clothing and style, should be kept separate from matters of faith and your spiritual life?
Lita: Honestly, even though God does not look at the outward person, He looks at the heart. But okay, yes, even though you may be seeking Him spiritually, I believe it all ties in together. I mean, honestly we all have questioned certain things; and even though we are not supposed to judge, we should use discretion. If I'm supposed to be a Christian, yet I'm coming into the sanctuary with a skirt on that when I sit down it will show what it shouldn't be showing, you will question that. We should be questioning things like this. I know that some girls would say "I don't care what people think, I am a Christian and God knows my heart" but you should care because you're still representing God and some things do have to change. I believe it all kind of connects together in your walk. Ya Know? I know that God does not want us to focus on it, but if you pray to God to help you, He will. Sometimes I pray, God help me with what to wear to work and stuff, because I know that He is honored when you invite Him into things we may consider to be small.
FaBeauty: Cool, we understand what you mean.
So, what is one thing that you would like to see more of in the media concerning women and fashion?
Lita: Hmm....I would like to see more professional looks, affordable pieces that still look like quality items. I want to see more classy looks too! Since I'm into a young professional look, I want to see more of that stuff showcased for young girls in a fashionable way. Do you know what I mean? Ages 20-26, I would like to see more examples of women in this phase of their life. Another thing I would like to see is consistency! I know sometimes I get my ideas from Gabriel Union because I like her style, but sometimes she and other celebrities in the media get kind out-there with their clothes, and inappropriate. They go back and forth all the time. It's tough because I even question some Gospel music stars and their clothing choices and style, and I'm like okay, I can't wear that. So, I would like to see more women who are consistently setting an example for us by not showing too much and by looking young and still respectable. I mean I like Mary Mary and those women, and I do look at them and admire their style, but some things I still may not like so much for myself.
FaBeauty: Okay, whether we agree or not, you have given us some great things to think about. Thank you for sharing with FaBeauty and we know that you have addressed some issues that most of us have faced.
Our last question is what is one thing you would like all Girls of God to know about body image and the times that we're living in today?
Lita: Well, like I said, when we look at all these R&B videos, they're all about sex and they portray women as these objects that you know....are pretty much sex toys for guys. And their purpose is to get the guys aroused. And I'm saying all these things because I am being honest .
FaBeauty: Right, we love honesty.
Lita: We are not that. We are children of God. And that's not what He wants us to go for, He wants all the glory. If we are serious about God, and if we're truly seeking Him and are serious about being about God's business, this walk won't be easy. Because This is so real; it's a serious walk and the things that you're gonna have to give up won't be easy. But if you keep on seeking God and trusting Him, it will all work out, you know? God is not going to leave you. Like I said, this walk is not easy and we are not going to stop going through stuff. But He's always there, but it's our choice to be obedient.
I know that I am a young girl, but I want to be taken seriously. And we need to represent ourselves. For me, I don't want to hear "Oh shorty wassup, can I get that number, can I holla at you" type of thing. Like, I don't want to be treated like that. And the "oh wow, she gotta big booty" No! I want you to respect me when you see me.
FaBeauty: (Laughs) Yea, true.
Lita:I've seen girls dressed in any ol' way and it looks terrible, to be honest with you. It's like, don't dress like that to please people. You need to please God. You know? As I girl I would say, don't put yourself out there. There's a lot of girls, even in the Church who complicate things simply because of how they represent themselves. I mean, I know it's not a one-sided issue, but at the same time, it's the way you carry yourself as a girl too. You have to show that you're not easy. Guys know when you're not easy and they know when they need to respect you based on how you carry yourself. If you're going dress like your easy, they're not going to treat you with respect. Yes, it comes from how you speak and a few other things, but the first image they see is what you look like on the outside. When guys see me on the street, you're going to know, without me even saying a word, that you I am to be respected. You won't even feel comfortable talking to me the way that you may talk to other girls. We are supposed to be set apart. I want guys to look at me and know that I am set apart. That's my advice based on what I've seen.
FaBeauty: Thanks so much, girl!
Lita: No problem. This was fun actually, it's good to talk about these things and be honest and be real! I'm glad that FaBeauty can be a place to address these things, because we need it. This is a great vision, and I hope we can talk a lot more about these things in the future!
Alright folks, we want to hear your feedback. Let us know what you thought about our segment and of course any topic that YOU would like to see addressed at FaBeauty.
Stay FaBulous!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Song of the Day! Francesca Battistelli
Hey G.O.G.'s!

Hope your weeks are off to a wonderful start! But, if they're off to a not so great start, here's a song that will make you feel better about it :) This week, remember that God is still in control through all our mess-up's, our silly mistakes, and our doubts and insecurities. We are who He created us to be, and it's okay to make mistakes. Just know that He is perfect, and through His perfection, we are made whole.
Check out "Free to be Me" from 23 year old new artist Francesca Battistelli.

You can listen to it in the 'Videos of the Week' bar ABOVE or here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujenRXDu2Ik
Hope you like it!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Fashion 411:The Latest Trendz Spring 09'
Hey G.O.G.'s!
Ann Sui Short Jumpsuit

Lane Bryant Graphic Print Tank

Anna Sui Graphic Pieces

Rebecca Taylor Revolveclothing.com

Sporty Dresses
Sporty Dresses are the ultimate laid-back, yet stylish look for this Spring and Summer. Are you an active G.O.G.? Quite a few of these dresses can go from running around in the daytime, to an evening on the town. Take a look at these:

Urban Outfitters Cheap Monday Dress

Escada Sport Dress

Lane Bryant Dress Forest Green Dress

Tulle Necklace Fiona Paxton
Happy Friday! Even though the sun did not come out today, we know it eventually will on a more consistent basis; so let's talk SPRING! There are some hot new trends surfacing on the runway, that are guaranteed to show-up in the stores soon.
FaBeauty is bringing you the most up-to-date trends for Spring of 09'. So check em' out!
Graphic Printsprints are becoming very popular pieces on the ruts on dresses, skirts, tops and jewelry are althe rage this Spring. Check out these graphic print looks from Spring 09' collecti

Anna Sui Spring Dress

Lane Bryant Graphic Print Tank

Anna Sui Graphic Pieces

Full Mini's
These 60's staple fashion pieces are definitely back. When worn at an appropriate length, these skirts can be darling.

Rebecca Taylor Revolveclothing.com

BCBG Max Azria

Daslu and French Connection scoopnyc.com

Built By Wendy Builtbywendy.com

Sporty Dresses are the ultimate laid-back, yet stylish look for this Spring and Summer. Are you an active G.O.G.? Quite a few of these dresses can go from running around in the daytime, to an evening on the town. Take a look at these:

Urban Outfitters Cheap Monday Dress

Escada Sport Dress

DKNY Silk Sport Dress dkny.com

Lacoste Tennis Dress

Looking for an adventure? Try these fashion pieces inspired by the Outback! This trend can go from day to evening in an instant!
Lane Bryant Dress Forest Green Dress

Grahm & Spence Silk Maxi Dress Bloomingdale's

Coach Safari Sandal
Max Mara Safari Shorts

It seems this Spring is about the bling! This trend is becoming popular b/c its a subtle approach to bling. It takes simple pieces and adds a pop of excitement.
How to Wear it

Miu Miu Flat
Sheri Bodell Dress SheriBodell.com
Lane Bryant Embellished Tank
Ted Rossi Embellished Cuff
Lane Bryant Embellished Tunic
32 Flavors One-Shoulder Top 32flavors.com
Like what you see? Need more Info about these pieces? Hit us up in the Comments section!
Have a Fabulous Weekend!
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