Wednesday, July 6, 2011

G.I.F.T.: Friends That Pour...

      So, life is filled with all sorts of people. Some we call family, others strangers, and some we call friends. While we may all have different definitions of what a “good” or “true” friend is, one thing is for certain: we all need friends that pour. Success is something that must first be initiated by you, but it is seldom achieved by yourself. To reach our full potential, it’s essential to surround ourselves with people who are on your team; people who want to contribute positively to your dreams and goals. In other words, great friends are people who will [and desire to] pour into your life to make you better. To get to where our dreams await us, we all need friends who pour, not friends who empty us out.

          Most of us want to be there for our friends in times of need, however, we can’t allow ourselves to get so drained that there is no energy left to pursue our goals and dreams. In great friendships, balance is a key characteristic to make sure that when you are needed, you are able to provide support to others, and when you are in need of support, your friends are there to return that same love and support. Surrounding yourself with friends who always have issues, always see the negative side of things despite your hours of encouragement and advice, friends who tell you that your desires and dreams are impossible or “too far-fetched” are NOT friends who are pouring positive things into your life. They’re draining. They may be speaking out of their own fears or lack of faith, but guard your energy because toxic energy spreads. It may be difficult to create distance between you and that person, but eventually someone’s tank is going to hit ‘E’.

        As your dreams get bigger and your need for positivity increases, ask yourself whether you have surrounded yourself with positive pourers. Have you chosen to become close to those who believe in you, those who have spotted your talents and gifts, speak life into you, and genuinely want to be a part of your journey? Or, are you mostly around doubters, naysayers and energy- stealers? If you find yourself thirsty for encouragement, appreciation and a little faith, you may be sleeping on that friend who is a pourer. Find them, hold on to them and appreciate them, pray for them, and they’ll be your best help on your road to success. We all need friends that pour.



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